Ingredients Bahan
- 1 cup (8 ounces) cappuccino or coffee yogurt 1 cangkir (8 ons) kopi cappuccino atau yoghurt
- 1/3 cup whole milk 1 / 3 cangkir susu utuh
- 3 tablespoons confectioners' sugar, optional Gula 3 sendok makan confectioners ', opsional
- 1 tablespoon chocolate syrup 1 sendok makan sirup coklat
- 1-1/2 cups ice cubes 1-1/2 cangkir es batu
- 1/2 cup miniature marshmallows, divided 1 / 2 cangkir marshmallow miniatur, dibagi rata
- In a blender, combine the yogurt, milk, sugar if desired and chocolate syrup. Dalam blender, menggabungkan yoghurt, susu, gula jika diinginkan dan sirup cokelat. Add ice cubes and 1/4 cup marshmallows; cover and process until blended. Tambahkan es batu dan marshmallow 1 / 4 cangkir, tutup dan proses hingga rata. Pour into chilled glasses; top with the remaining marshmallows. Tuang ke dalam gelas yang sudah didinginkan; atas dengan marshmallow tersisa. Serve immediately. Yield: 3 servings. Sajikan segera Yield:. 3 porsi.
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